IMTALK EPISODE 259b - Bob Seebohar

News: IMOZ is coming up, we check in with the current pro ranks, WTC ebay auctions are open now, entries are open for Eilat IM. 

This Weeks Discussion: If WTC became a publicly traded company would you buy shares in them and what do you think they would be worth? Comment here

Interview: We have an interview with Bob Seebohar. Here's an bit from his website: Bob is a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics, the former Director of Sports Nutrition for the University of Florida and most recently served as a sport dietitian for the US Olympic Committee.  Bob traveled to the 2008 Summer Olympic Games as a sport dietitian for the US Olympic Team and the personal sport dietitian for the Olympic Triathlon Team.

In the interview he covers how we can use metabolic efficiency to improve performance. Check out his website:

Get his book from our amazon page here

This Weeks Websites: Ebay auctions, Ironman KPR,