IMTalk Episode 566 - Laura Siddal

News: Lots of 70.3 results; Ultraman Oz update; Ironman Lanzarote is coming up; Outlaw sells out; John's ITU update. 

This Weeks Discussion: The Mountain Snail sent through this article which is about a new drug that may have a big impact on the mind side of endurance sport. This made us think about the mind strategies that you use when you are training. So in this weeks discussion we want you to share your best mind strategies when you are training and racing. Comment here

Interview: This week we have an interview with Ironman Australia winner Laura Siddal. She talks about her season so far, what she has planned for the rest of the year, and the life of a pro. You can check out Laura's website here:

Diet Wars: We discuss this article, which puts another twist in the LCHF way of thinking. 

Workout of the Week: John goes through his Ironman effort Marathon training session. 

This Weeks Websites: Performance Nut Butter Kickstarter