News: News: New Challenge Taiwan this weekend, IM Port Mac this weekend, Ironman Australia Legends club, Challenge working with Mark Allen Online, Alstair Brownlee does 28:32 for 10k, John's ITU Update.

This Weeks Discussion: You've been made the CEO of WTC and your job is to create more profit for the organisation. What would you do to help the WTC grow and make more money? Comment here.  

This Weeks Video: It's the Richard Simmons YouTube clip that Bevan was talking about on the show. 

Coaches Corner: John talks through his HR testing and some of the files from the Auckland race. He also covers some follow up questions from the Paul Laursen interview. Here are the links that go with it: Sodium Study, Sports Drink write up from Paul

Website of the Week: John Newing sent through for this weeks website. It's a website that promote the plant based diet. John likes the recipes on there. 

This Weeks Websites: Michael Davidson website, Christian Isakson's fundraising page